OK, let me finish what I started before #SMTO2022 We’ve had couples share with us about them or their spouses experiencing post-wedding blues and the impact on their relationship. Someone shared how a bride insisted on sleeping over with her family on her wedding night, the groom reluctantly agreed but the bride’s parents kicked against it and the bride was sent to join her husband in the hotel late in the night.
One groom said he had to drive his bride home to her family during their honeymoon before she stopped sulking and days later she was emotionally down again.
Let me do justice to this post-wedding blues
. Now like I rightly mentioned in my last article that post-wedding blues are real stuff but differ in the way we all experience it. I tell you it could become a serious matter if not well managed. It ranges from just about anything so my first assignment is unveiling some causes of post wedding blues and provide godly wisdom in managing them.First thing first, Identify the cause of your post-wedding blues. Heres my story if you haven’t read this article https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=7129052800500818&id=100001885071238
A deep nauseating feeling of detachment from ones immediate family. “I missed my family terribly after the wedding and despised seeing my husband settle conveniently in his routine with his family. My whole world had changed and his was just the same – in fact he now even had me right next to him. I started to despise him so much that we started to have endless fights. I used to have long spells of crying and felt miserable. I wanted to run away from my life and go back to living with my parents. It was a tough task to settle in the new life,” shared 33-year-old Smita Sadiq. Source : Internet. For new couples
who have to relocate to a far distance from the bride’s family, the groom is strongly advised to practise a lot of patience with his bride. You have carried someone’s child to another city/country so be kind biko.
The change of location has its own impact let alone adjusting to a new environment and sometimes new culture and all. Many brides even had to resign their jobs. So, bros, a lot of affection, encouragement, Listening ears, calming words and warm embrace helps. Assure your spouse of your love and safety.Seeng me being downcast, my hubby pet me and promised a visit to my mom’s anytime soon. After a Month or so he took me to my mom’s. Oh what a joy. I hugged my mom so tightly. It was so emotional. She cooked her signature egusi (spicy melon soup with smoked panla) and succulent amala (yam flour) for us. It was the very moment I could really say I bade her my goodbye and stayed in our matrimonial home
For brides or grooms who has a problem understanding what LEAVING AND CLEAVING is, their blues is problematic. This is the groom who still stops at his mom’s to eat dinner before returning into his wife’s arms. This is the bride who runs to her parent’s house when there’s a disagreement. These ones update their parents on everything happening in their marriage. It is not blues but foolishness. #apologies if this is harsh. It is the plain truth.You need to read my article on “Cutting off the Apron strings.” https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2854716641267810&id=100001885071238How about when your spouse is reclusive and kind of bringing you into isolation from your friends and family and you’re feeling depressed after wedding
?This is frustration
please discuss with your spouse to know the strong reason behind this cos this can be unhealthy, like keeping one’s spouse in hostage.Politely express how lonely you feel and make sure you are also ready to cut clear boundaries so your marriage doesn’t suffer from undue interference from those quarters. Redefine and reinvent your relationship with your family.In a situation whereby you can tell it is blues and not foolishness, you could both go spend some moment with the family or allow minimal visits at your convenience. When “take me to my mummy/daddy” becomes too regular, you and your spouse need to sit down and talk about it. Even if it is your parent having this blues and frequenting your new home or calling your phone back to back, you and your spouse still need to talk and address this problem. Your marriage is not an extension of your parent’s marriage, you need to sit down and build yours. You have a home and you must focus and build it well. Draw joy about the fact that you are building your own home. Sit down.SINGLES join our Singles Crib on Telegram https://t.me/+7W9Z_MDHt5QyYTlkEsther EBUNOLUWA Omoniyi omoniyiesther1@gmail.com