Recently the Holy Spirit has been opening my heart to a matter.
It began with my intercession for mature singles to get married. I would pray and even be shedding tears because these set of people would continually come to me for comfort and prayers. On a particular day, I saw one of them at an event; rolling on the altar weeping. She said, “…Father I can’t do this anymore please give me my husband…”
My heart ached. I was very sorrowful. I childishly reasoned that if I were to be “God” I should give this lady a husband immediately 😆 🤣 😂 😹
Sowie God loves me with my naughtiness like that. I began to pray for mercy to settle this lady in marriage. Surely, God is good but she’s still unmarried. I don’t know why. I am assured God is on her case. She’s a good woman. ❤
There was another lady; I prayed to the point I told the Lord to atleast please give this lady a husband nah abi ki lo sele gan gan (God bhet why?). It was paining me already joor. #fadalawd
I guess God wouldn’t condone my foolishness again then He opened my eyes. He told me straight that asking for a husband for this lady is another brand of wickedness. #eweii
“…she doesn’t need a husband now, she needs brokenness…”
Jesu! This beat me hands down. Some other things happened around the period and I agreed truly that if God gives this lady a husband in her current state; the marriage will be another type of hell. I changed my prayer point and started working on her.
Recently I have interacted closely with some of these people I am interceding for and truly I realised they’re not in good shape when it comes to character at all. This is not about achieving perfection, I mean it is a state that “chokes” me too as a woman. I cannot marry them and not run mad. So sad.
Let’s leave marriage.
Sometimes we pray for miracles we don’t have a capacity to own or maintain.
I was telling someone yesterday that apart from rejoicing over a revelation where God shows you a great thing to happen for you, wisdom is to also ASK for grace to become that person who can handle the miracle.
We have a ministry land and trusting God to help us build it. The set of children we have a vision to host in the facility are children exposed to sexual abuse, children from dysfunctional homes, and street children/hawkers, we plan to send to school plus spaces for our trainings and meetings.
As you know we have been raising some children in our matrimonial home. I have seen shege make I no lie 😆 🤣 😂
It takes a lot of spiritual power, mental capacity and emotional fortitude to re-engineer such children into God’s order. Sometimes you’re impressed but at other times you will feel like you’re losing your mind.
Something happened recently and whilst throwing all my emotions everywhere the Holy Spirit said to me “…so you see, money to build that facility is not the only thing you should be praying for. You need to begin to interact with ministries/organisations that currently run mission homes for street kids. You need to have an internal shock-absorber, strong and rugged heart to handle issues without developing high blood pressure, you need to design a course pattern and evaluation modules to see how your investments are yielding and areas to pump more energy into…take relevant courses…be ready to bend your knees like Anna…”
Oh my goodness. I was sober. Heidi Baker needs to lay hands on me to raise street kids. 😆 🤣 😂 😹
I got the memo. Before praying for more enlargement, how do you prepare to handle the challenges of handling the inflow?
Before praying for more souls, how do you manage the ones God has entrusted to you? Before you pray for doors to Nations, how do you handle your local/ National kingdom assignments?
Before you pray for God to send Samuel and isaac, how prepared are you to raise prophets? Before you get the throne, do you have royalty in your lifestyle, communication, and atleast basics of governance?
The Psalmist says God anointed his head with oil and it runs over. The overflow was never a waste to display God’s abundance; it is an overflow to reach out. We all want to be such people who have the necessary skills, Oil, fortitude, knowledge, wisdom and structure to handle the miracles we are waiting for.
One of my spiritual daughters believing God for promotion in her place of work sought for my counsel after stating the rigorous demands of the new position. I told her to define “promotion” to me. She was focused on the renumeration that accompanies the position. I drew her attention to the fact that the demand of the new position is part of her renumeration. The money will make her life better in a way but the demands/more responsibilities of the office will SHAPE HER into the higher version of herself. So the question is “Are you ready to stretch your muscle and make room for next demand and enjoy your lessons?”
You have been praying for the rain, it will definitely fall but where are your buckets? Are you also ready to get wet? People who need rain water don’t hide under the blankets or sipping hot tea when the downpour begins.
You have been asking for more, where is the room you have created to receive more?
You are praying for business enlargement and wish to open more branches, are you preparing yourself as a CEO? What business courses are you taking?
The miracles we pray for may need us to become another kind of person to handle it; as we knock on the heaven’s door to release them we must be wise stewards kitted with the capacity required.
Years ago, we had our students conference in ibadan and about 2000 students rushed us. 😆 🤣 Our rugged team handled the flow by God’s grace and wisdom. You know why? God gave us a word that “…the crowd is coming…”
We started to set our house in order.
At Ogbomoso last year, over 4000 students rushed us, within few minutes decision was
made that my husband would run the conference in the major hall assisted by some of our team members, I would run same in the 2nd hall while Minister Beloved John Kola Aderibigbe would handle the 3rd hall.
“Enlarge the place of your tent, And let them stretch out the curtains of your dwellings; Do not spare; Lengthen your cords, And strengthen your stakes.” Isaiah 54:2 KJV
“Any blessing or achievement turns to be a curse if it’s not accompanied by efforts to increase and enlarge inner capacity to handle it.” Dr. Lucas D. Shallua
Action point: Sit down for a few minutes to reflect on how this post resonates with you. Pick your pen and paper to detail next line of action. PLEASE DO SOMETHING. Give me feedback on your results. It will encourage me to keep being a blessing.
Love you plenty.
Esther Ebunoluwa Omoniyi