What the Lord is building out of Christian Marriages at this time is not about one individual’s marriage but many homes arising.
The agenda of God for Christian Homes is not about MY MARRIAGE IS WORKING; if it is working but not helping others to work, it is not working. What is working makes other things WORK! Our Marriage must be catalyst for other solid and stable homes.
I and hubby had a plan to go on an evening group date with 2 couples in our ministry but along the line, we decided to extend the invite to few others and that was how 16 of us landed at Tilapia & Tins
Having 8 Christian couples together in an evening date not in a church program really thrilled me as it is not a common thing in this part of the world.
I said to myself that WE ARE GETTING THERE! That we could all make a spontaneous evening date really excited my heart. I loved it.

So, because it was a spontaneous evening date, I suggested we do THE EARLY CHURCH STYLE by dropping whatever each couple has and we all devour same portion.
Everybody dropped what they have and those who don’t have at the moment were asked not to bother. We all gave differently according to our capacity.
When the food was brought, I told them to EAT OF EVERY PORTION their hands can reach as Holy Communion! I ate some Irish potato chips, little croaker fish, some native chicken pepper soup and bite peppered snail…plus smoothie.
My meditation following our date night is that truly the early church tried.
‘And all those who had believed [in Jesus as Savior] were together and had all things in common [considering their possessions to belong to the group as a whole]’ AMP
‘And all the believers met together in one place and shared everything they had.’ Acts 2:44 NLT
Selling their possessions and goods, they shared with anyone who was in NEED.
Can we as Christian Couples have our formation and carry one another and none would be in need or loner? It is Possible.
This is a call to begin to watch for other Christian Homes.

The Body of Christ needs weaning. It begins from us as CHRISTIAN COUPLES.
Let’s WATCH OUT FOR ONE ANOTHER! REACH OUT! Let’s be coming together. Individually we are building our homes but let’s START FORMATION OF GODLY HOMES.
Not having our own TRIBE (people building their marriage with similar goal…Visionary homes….who can hold you accountable) is one of the major reasons why there are so many broken homes.
If you can wake up one day and do whatever pleases you and say it is my marriage, then there is a big problem. Build a shield around your marriage.
Here are some ways to go about this
1. Intercession
When you and your family pray, how many Christian families do you regularly raise in intercession?
It is time to be intentional about sowing seeds of prayers through regular intercession for other Christian Homes around you and in the global community.
Peter could have also died like James and Stephen but the church prayed for him. Intercede for homes.
It is so beautiful to have shared-joy in the testimonies of others.
2. Have Your Tribe
A couple was sharing how they have a time of meeting with another couple for prayers and fun time. This is not just about family friends’ things. Whenever we see another couple around us, we do use the opportunity to share a word of prayer together for our homes. Maximise this. Have your own tribe, be in a formation. It is an army thing. We all rise together.
3. Be a Blessing to Other Christian Homes Around You.
Our culture is against what the early Church did. One Yoruba (a tribe in Western Nigeria) song says ‘Bamu Bamu ni mo yo, emi o mo bi ebi npa omo eni kookan’ meaning ‘When I am full I careless who’s starved’.
Pure eyes can see any need because the heart is tender! Everybody who has want their fill and many are in need!
How can the whole Body be happy when the have-not is hungry? We mustn’t take a position of ‘my family do not have enough’. This will block you from being a blessing and you know what? What you’re holding onto can never be enough to sustain you.
From time to time…ease another Christian couple from stress. Reach out.
4. Gift your Time to Gain a Refreshing Moments for You and Your Spouse too.
Spend some moment with a family (families) around you. Have fun together. Have a movie date, a lunch time, games time out, a weekend sleep over (if you are that close).
I and hubby always tell ourselves we don’t have to always go to a hotel when we need to sleep out. We could go sleep over in the house of any of our friends. Please on your visits, don’t always go empty handed.
The beauty of friendships is to be able to say I have garri (dried cassava flakes), please add your kulikuli (groundnut cake). Will you consider hanging out with your couple friends?
Let’s revive this practice of community. Every couple should discuss this and take actions. God bless our homes in Jesus name.
Together we build to LAST.
Written by
Esther Ebunoluwa Omoniyi